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Schubert Landscapes

Cuphea Hyssopifolia 2,5L

Cuphea Hyssopifolia 2,5L

Regular price R 25.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 25.00 ZAR
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The Stardust bush is a ball-like bush has fine, twiggy growth covered in heath-like foliage and is covered with small, star-shaped purple flowers for most of the year.

Cuphea tends to grow into a mound but the bottoms of the stems are sometimes bare, which gives the plants a leggy look. To keep Cuphea looking attractive and full of blooms, cut it back severely in the fall or early spring. This will encourage the development of healthy new flowering stems

Benefits : 

  • Excellent for the front border, in small flower beds, or in containers on a sunny patio.
  • Cuphea hyssopifolia self-seeds quite easily, making it ideal as a self-propagating plant large beds and gardens.
  • Attracts bees and butterflies.
  • Needs no deadheading.
  • Pest and disease resistant.
  • A good match for the casual gardener


30cm (h) x 30cm (w)


Almost throughout the year

Growth Rate

Fast growing




Low watering


Full Sun


Low maintenance


Frost Sensitive

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