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Schubert Landscapes

Aeonium Haworthii - Pinwheel 4L

Aeonium Haworthii - Pinwheel 4L

Regular price R 30.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 30.00 ZAR
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Aeonium haworthii is a densely branched succulent shrub with woody, ascending or pendent branches ending with rosettes of gray-green, bluish-green to yellowish-green leaves keeled on the lower surface and often tinged red along the ciliate margins. It grows up to 60 cm tall and is usually about as wide as tall. The rosettes are up to 11 cm in diameter, rather flattish, with inner leaves more or less erect. Leaves are fleshy, obovate, up to 5.5 cm long, up to 3 cm wide, and about 0.5 cm thick. Flowers are star-shaped, 7- to 9-merous, pale yellow to nearly white, sometimes tinged pink, and appear in lax terminal hemispherical clusters in late spring. The clusters are up to 16 cm in diameter.
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